Happy Birthday Rickey and Merry Christmas

Today is the 55th birthday of my childhood idol.  Rickey Nelson Henley Henderson.

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The Man of Steal.  He was the all time stolen base leader and the greatest leadoff hitter of all time.  I can’t think of any position or spot in a lineup where you can say that about a baseball player and not get twenty other names from twenty other people.  Maybe it’s a bold statement, but I don’t think there really is an argument for his greatness at the leadoff position.  Fielding…eh…not the greatest.

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He was the reason I became a Yankee fan (but still secretly love the A’s) and the reason why I wear #24 any chance I get.  Whenever people asked me in a confused manner, “Why are you a Yankees fan?”  They are only more confused after I tell them because of Rickey Henderson…I’m a very loyal fan and hitched my wagon to the Yanks in 1985.  I was 9 and there was no going back as far as I was concerned.

Hall Of Fame Baseball

He was also the reason I fell in love with baseball and insisted on stealing as many bases as i could in little league.  I also stole them by sliding head first.  The coaches never liked it, but the one time I went in feet first I rolled my ankle and got a nasty strawberry…never jammed my wrist sliding head first thank you very much!

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He may not have been the greatest teammate of all time and maybe he was a little self absorbed…or aloof 🙂 But he is a Hall of Famer and remains my all time favorite athlete.

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This will always be my favorite card.  I purchased this with $12 of my allowance money from the West Avenue Card Shop in San Antonio, Texas over the summer of 1986.  Funny story about the West Ave. Card Shop…a few years after I purchased this card along with many others through the years, they were busted for buying and selling large amounts of cocaine.  I guess they were using the card shop as a way to launder their drug money…and here I just thought they had bad allergies with all the sniffing and wiping of their noses.  They were just coke-heads.

80 TO Rickey Henderson Rookie

Happy Birthday Rickey Henderson as I’m sure you are reading this wonderful post about you on your day of birth that you share with baby Jesus.  I hope everyone out there has a wonderful Christmas!  Stay safe and keep collecting!

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