
Card Collecting is one of my hobbies, actually, it’s my only true hobby.  The only one I work as consistently and i guess passionately?  (Although i don’t like to use that term for what collecting ultimately is…consumption and hoarding.)  One of the reasons that it brings me as much joy as it does is because it’s really the only thing in my life that i have total control over.  Normally in life you have to answer to a boss, or do chores you don’t want to do or a multitude of other things that aren’t necessarily exciting to you.  Life is all about compromises and working as a team to get something done.  Luckily for me, i have an AMAZING WIFE that is cool with me heading out to the card shop once in a while and hitting up the card show every month or two…so long as it doesn’t get too overwhelming for our family.  She is always more than accommodating which is one of the many reasons why i love her so much.  Not only is she ok with my card consumption, but she also accommodates my desire to read card blogs and write one of my own.  At times the blogs can cut in to important family time or our ever dwindling spouse time (work, kids, friends…!).  I am a very lucky boy to say the very least.

So, my job is to enjoy my hobby as much as possible, but not let it overwhelm me or get in the way of far more important things.  At times though, it can be impossible to avoid the inevitable pitfalls of collecting thousands upon thousands of 2 1/2″ x 3 1/2″ card stock images of sports figures.  When that starts to happen, i step back and take a break.  The last thing i want to do is get so burned out i bail on everything that i’ve managed to collect for the past 30+ years (off and on).  Shorter version, collecting for me is all about moderation and patience…just a little…nevermind…

After my little blogging break, i have some great stuff to share…well at least i think so.  Lets take a look at some of the much needed card therapy from Saturday.



Going in to each show, i normally have three objectives.

  1. Pick up Redskins cards from Kim…he’s awesome in picking up and holding stuff for me.  Always gives me the best deals…and is really a great guy.  I’ll get to those cards soon.
  2. Spend way too much time at Bill’s 7 for $5 bonanza table.  Bill is an incredibly fascinating guy…tons of opinions, but even more cards.  I’ve never seen him load up his van he brings from Salem each show, but he has at least twenty 3500 count boxes of cards (top loaders stuffed in tightly!)  along with display cases and dime boxes…and other stuff.
  3. Stop off and chat with Terry and pick up some vintage…this is where we will start today.

I like Terry, he’s a cool older guy, maybe mid 60’s or so.  Big Cubs fan and i think he used to teach.  He’s always great with the younger kids (most of the guys there are) as well…he also likes to shoot the shit with everyone and give people a hard time…in a kind jokingly way.  I enjoy that.  The camaraderie at some of these shows is great.  I’ve never been one to   make friends or acquaintances easily, but the more you see someone the more you are likely to talk to them…or at least that’s what my wife tells me…?

Anyways.  Terry is the main vintage guy at the show.  There are a couple other vintage guys, but in my opinion and judging by his stash i think he carries that belt with pride.  I like to hit his table up last and basically spend the remainder of my card show budget on 1960’s set needs.  Today, i decided to chip away at the 1964 set.  Here is what i picked up…photographed as best as i possibly can with low lighting and glare from a soft halogen.

One of the many things i like about Terry is that he’s incredibly organized and his cards are clearly labeled and tagged for what they are and what they cost.  He will give you a discount, but never a bargain.  His cards are quality, which is why i like them…but man, at this rate…it’s gonna take me 20 years to complete the 1960’s sets…patience.

During the sifting of cards, Terry checks in and likes to find out things about you or tell you stories of other collectors.  He’s the kind of guy that knows everyone.  I’ve seen him in my LCS talking to Brian one day, which was a bit of bizarro moment as Bill from the show and a couple other recognizable dealer faces were in his shop.  It was like a Justice League meeting…but for old card collecting men.  Luckily, none of them were in tights or had on capes.

So there you have it.  My 1964 pick ups for the month of January.  I think next time i may go for the ’63s and start chipping away at those commons.

One little thing that Terry noticed i had and commented on was my notebook of checklists.  I’ve struggled with ways of toting around a list of cards i need without having a bulky binder or constantly turning my phone on to see my list.  So i printed out a bunch of excel checklists scaled down to fit in to a small moleskin cashier notebook…the 3 1/2 x 5 1/2 size.  Fits in my back pocket nicely and i can take it every where i go…it does have its limitations, like smudging though…


Hope you enjoyed reading.  Not sure what i will post next, but i have quite of few cards to photograph or scan and they should last about 5-6 more posts.

In the meantime…Not sure if any of you are (were) in to New Edition.  I was…loved ’em!  BET just had a three night two hour mini series that was a lot of fun to watch.  Those kids man…they had some issues with each other.  But the music…