Rickey gets out a bit…

So, it’s been an eventful week for wallet card Rickey.  He’s been a great partner in crime and…lunch.  Unfortunately for him, he doesn’t have much protection in the money clip and well, since i’ve been biking to and from work, sometimes in the rain…he’s been getting damaged quite a bit.  But that’s cool, that’s what this thing is kind of about anyways right?  Carry a card with you and document all the events that happen in your life with the card.  Photograph the mundane and the extravagant as well as anything else in between.  All the cool kids are doing it!

One of the highlights for wallet card Rickey was Wednesday night!

86 T WC 01:20 ticket

He got out of the house on a school night to see the Hail Mary Mallon show with Aesop Rock and Rob Sonic…also, Homeboy Sandman.  It was a blast…a wonderful time and a highly energized show which an old man like me really loves.  Really, really loves.  I’ve loved hip-hop and rap music before i loved baseball cards and i’ve always been a fan of both as i’ve gotten older.  Now, Aesop Rock isn’t your run of the mill rappers.  He’s a sophisticated and verbally dynamic emcee that apparently has the largest vocabulary in Hip-Hop…the findings were based on algorithms so…it’s pretty cool.  What’s also really cool is the PBR I shared with wallet card Rickey…that cardboard kid is a lightweight.

86 T WC 01:21 PBR

Anyways, the show was great and i have a couple of videos i took from the show below…now, you should be warned that there are bad words being used the two videos below.  So proceed with caution and…enjoy…or skip it! 🙂

The next day at work was wonderful, i was enjoying the excitement from the previous nights events.  By the time Saturday came around though, i was bull dozed by a head cold.  Sleeping all day long and doing absolutely nothing king of bull dozed.  So me and Rickey shared some Ricola cough drops and took long naps.

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During the awake times, i along with the rest of you heard the sad news of Ernie Banks passing.  Now, i’ve never really been a Cubs fan but i love baseball and the history of the game.  He was one of the players that i’ve always loved.  I haven’t pursued too many of his cards in the past but when the wife and I went to Wrigley for a game a few years ago I wanted a shirsey and wasn’t settling for anything but Banks’ #14.  I rocked the shirt today with pride and less of a head cold.

86 T WC 01:25 banks 1

I was digging around for some cool photos of Ernie on the internet and didn’t come across any great ones but then found this fantastic photo that Pearl Jam posted on their twitter account.  Such a great shot of Eddie, Ernie and Wrigley.

Ernie Banks and Eddie Vedder

Lastly, i wanted to show the current status of wallet card Rickey.  What does your wallet card look like?

86 T WC 01:25 damage