Crazy Card Show success!

This past Saturday, Mall 205 had their monthly show (although there wasn’t one in February).  I hadn’t been to a show since the end of last year (although I stopped at the Cedar Hills show for about 20 minutes) and was really excited to see some new product and pick up a few cards for my various personal collections (way too many of those things for me right now).  As usual, I stopped by Tom’s table.

Tom is always my first stop.  He’s extremely personable, easy to talk to and is more than happy to pull cards for the regulars…like me.  He also works at Check Out my Cards ( for the cool kids)…which is cool…really cool.  They seem to be one of the few companies that are working to strengthen the hobby rather than dictate it’s direction.  Their new plan for databasing cards seems like a wonderful idea and one that the hobby is in desperate need of.  I’m not really sure how the details work for the database creation, but that’s not my job to figure out…only to contribute in some way.

Now that i’ve completely lost track of what I was talking about…I should get back to the card show.

Tom’s table.

So a few weeks ago, I sent Tom a list of cards to fill my Redskins Topps team sets and didn’t think much of it.  Apparently Tom took the list very seriously and hit me off with a huge stack of cards from the 70’s and 80’s nearly obliterating my checklist.

Redskins Lot 1

So freakin’ wonderful.  Plus!  He put them all in penny sleeves and top loaders.  Double Plus!  He told me he pulled most of them off the inventory, which saved me a few dollars in shipping and more than likely a few dollars in the asking price.

Redskins Lot 1:2Redskins Lot 2:2

Needless to say, I was blown away.  The only bad thing was the stack of cards was going to cost me my card show budget for the day.  I sifted through what Tom had and saw he had a few other cards I didn’t need.  Pulled the ones I wanted and needed and we made a deal that allowed me to troll around the show for a few other bargains. I was more than happy to part with a chunk of my cash for this chunk of cards.

I need to get my checklists updated for the 90’s and 2000’s now.  Gotta keep Tom busy, you know.  Once again, Tom, if you are reading this…thank you very much.  You saved me some money and no telling how much time.

Here is a peek of some of the other Redskins cards I got from Tom.  New stuff and some rando’s that will soon be crossed off a list thas has yet to be generated.  Yes, those are mini cards, not some weird proportion bending photo.

Redskins Lot 3

There were also these kids.  Some new rookies, some Cooleys and some 2000’s thingys.

Redskins Lot 4

I did pick up a few other Harper’s, Hanley’s and Strasburg’s at the show which I hope to scan and post in the coming days (months depending on the lil boys needs…)


Black Friday Reeds

Going back to Black Friday.  As I mentioned earlier, I jumped all over the Black Friday sale and picked up some very nice Jordan Reed cards.  These are the kind of cards that you want to put in nice card holders and present on some prominent shelf in your sports card room.  I don’t have a sports card room, so they will be shown here on the blog.

Here are the player worn patch/player worn relic/player worn memorabilia cards in landscape format.  The first one is from Topps Inception.  I love these cards with the very cool over processed images and intense photography.  Plus it’s number 1 of 93.  What’s up with the random number 93?

13 TI Jordan Reed Player Worn Patch 1:93

Next up is Bowman Sterling with Mr. Reed staring very intensely into the cameraman’s lens.

13 BS Jordan Reed Relic 671:1214

And here is a quad patch numbered to 75.

13 TP Jordan Reed Quad Patch 68:75

Here is the autograph portion of the post.  The Bowman card along with the three above are super thick cards that barely fit into a penny sleeve.  It’s kind of a shame that a card this thick and nice is a sticker auto.

13 BS Jordan Reed Autograph

The next card is from this years Prizm set.  I love Prizm.

13 PP Jordan Reed Auto

For the last two cards, you will notice they are crazy die cut cards with reflective shiny-ness all over them.  I love the die cut cards, but they can be a pain to put back in the penny sleeves.

13 TF Jordan Reed  Finest Atomic Rookies Die Cut

This one was more difficult to put back in the sleeves.  Not putting the toothpaste back in the tube difficult, but difficult no less.  I happened to scan these along with the thicker cards, so pardon the shadows…although they create a nice depth to the card and the angles.  So nice!

13 TC Jordan Reed Die Cut

If you are in your late 30’s like me and love some good ole Hip Hop, then you should listen to this as I am doing right now.  This takes me back…life moves way too quick.

PS – I’ve updated my 1970’s Redskins checklist…check it out if you think you have something to help me complete my team sets.

Black Friday Heritage

So, I did some Black Friday shopping in my pajamas like a good American.

No, I wasn’t at Wal-Mart at 3am busting down the storefront and trampling mustached women in rascals.  Even better, I did it online over at the Check Out My Cards wonderful website.  I had been building up my cart for some time, nearly 6 months, and decided I needed to work on completing some sets.  Most of what I picked up was 2010 Heritage base cards, but I also picked up some New Age Performers from this past years set along with a couple Then and Now cards.

And here they are!

Miguel Cabrera involved in a deeply personal thought about SABRmetrics

13 TH Miguel Cabrera NAP

Yoenis Cespedes.  It took me about 5 tries to find this card, because apparently Yoenis is nearly impossible for me to spell.  Yoenis.

13 TH Yoenis Cespedes NAP

Billy Butler is both excited and nervous about the pitch he just hit…one can only wonder…

13 TH Billy Butler NAP

Check out the baby faced Aparicio and the babier face of Michael Nelson Trout.  I believe the Mathews/Dunn card would have been perfect if we could have gotten some chest hair on the Dunn photo…Taco meat for everyone!

13 TH Mike Trout Adam Dunn T&N

Time permitting, i’d love to scan some of my other pick ups from COMC…but i’m not sure time will permit in the next few holiday days.  One cool thing of note is that I have Boxing Day off.  This is the second year we’ve had this holiday since we were taken over in a not so hostile manner by a Canadian company.  I’ve heard positive things and negative things about the holiday, so i’m not sure if I should let my white guilt reign over me or if I should just buy some more baseball cards.  Any thoughts out there from our friendly neighbors to the north?

Cedar Hills Show – The low budget version ep.I

I’ve been away from the blogging for a while.  No real reason, other than we’ve been busy with life and work…as well as enjoying life away from cardboard and computers.

There was a show this Saturday at the Cedar Hills mall that i attended after having missed the past two shows…so I have some catching up to do.  I’ve also received two boxes from Dave and Adams Cardworld that i need to open and review.  So, there will be a few posts coming up in the next few days or weeks.  I’ve done a lot of scanning tonight and am getting close to nodding out, so i’m going to do a one card post.  It’s one of my favorite all time player and a card that I am happy to have picked up for $12.

11 GQ Rickey Henderson Mini Game Used Green

This was by far the most expensive card I picked up today as I was really trying to stay in the nickel, dime, quarter and dollar boxes. Steve from COMC had the card at his table and as usual was extremely friendly and more than happy to help look for a couple of cards.  I ended up picking a few other pieces from him and the 12/$1 boxes…but those are for another post.

I am going to bed, but will be posting like mad the next couple of weeks…I hope.  🙂

I gotta Feva!

Those immortal words were spoken by none other than the iconic Christopher Walken on the classic SNL skit…and now, I have a fever.  I don’t need a cowbell, just some sleep and the ability to breathe through my nose again…such a simple task when healthy.  I’ve become one of those neanderthal mouth breathers you find at your local gymnasium flexing in front of the mirror and twitpickin’…you know the type!

Another little bit of fever I caught today was some Spring Fever cards from the electronic bay of two of my favorite players.  Both guys are players that i collect and play(ed) for the Yankees, one a legend and one well on his way.

Here they are in all their glory!

Rickey Henderson

13 SF Rickey Henderson Spring Fever

Robinson Cano

13 SF Robinson Cano Spring Fever

There are a couple more players that i’m chasing for my PC with this set, but these are great cards for starters.  Unfortunately, these cards didn’t scan quite as nicely as they appear in person.  These are the first Spring Fever cards i’ve seen in person and am quite impressed with them.  I love that Topps has been doing these inserts with their new flagship releases (football kickoff cards).  It gets you in to the card shop and supporting your local shop.  Unfortunately when i went to the shop last week, i forgot my one redemption card…and as i talked to Rick, he had actually run out of packs.  Too slow on my part i guess.

I should have a nice post or two this weekend with some COMC mail but that’s it for now!

A collector’s dilemma

Ok cyber sports card guys and ladies, i have a question. Do you feel guilty when you purchase boxes or packs of your favorite cards online verses your local card shop?

As of late, i’ve been making most of my purchases online at, Dave and Adam’s Card World and the online Panini store…neglecting the two VERY local card shops. The main reason for this shift in my purchases has been cost and lack of time due to our new human and my work deadlines. I get significantly more cards for the money by shopping online and can have them delivered to my house with free or minimal shipping costs…can’t really beat that huh? I do love my two card shops (The Sports Room and Hoopla Sports). They are within 5 miles of my house and are always a great place to spend an hour or two on Saturday mornings. Both shops know me and often have new Redskin cards waiting for me when i drop by…which is awesome, not to mention they give me a great price on cards. The personalized service with a shop you frequent just cannot be beaten…but the prices aren’t always the best for boxes or packs. For example, i pre ordered a jumbo box of 2013 Topps Baseball from Dave and Adams Card World for around $90 and stopped in to my LCS where they had it on sale for $120…that’s a $30 up charge…and a lot of money that could have gone to cards to fill my empty binder pages…or simply some binder pages!

The great thing about the LCS is the instant satisfaction with a purchase, but i think i’m over that at this point in my life. I kind of enjoy ordering something and waiting a few days for it to arrive on my doorstep while continuing on with my life and spending time with my family on the weekends.

I have also been frequenting the card shows here in town. Recently there have been two a month, one at the Cedar Hills Mall down the street from me and the other one about 20 minutes away. I tend to spend a fair amount of money at these shows, so that helps cure my cardboard cheating tendencies.

Do you find yourself purchasing more cards online or in person?

The boxes of neglect…

This new blog was an attempt at therapy for me and a way to connect better with my favorite hobby.  Unfortunately, life always seems to get in the way…as it does and doing one post a week has become difficult.  This is by no means me waving the surrender flag, but more of an apology to the blog itself for my neglect.  With that in mind i am going to attempt to up the ante and do two blog posts a week, one on Wednesday and one on Sunday…we will see how that all works out.

Ebay cardsAnother task that i have thoroughly neglected with my collection is the purging i promised myself and my wife.  I’ve gotten to the point of putting the cards to be sold into a nice empty white box, which is now a grey dusty filled box.  The biggest problem is the time involved with this task along as well as the difficulty in dealing with the fine folks on ebay.  The scanning and describing and mailing aspect seems insurmountable at times, especially with a 4 month old.  A new short term goal is to get a few dozen posts before February…it would be nice to have some loot back in my paypal account as well…to buy more cardboard.

The last item of note to get off my chest is this Washington Redskins shoebox that needs some serious sorting and organizing.  I would say that i’ve done a wonderful job at purchasing cards through, the two card shows in town and my favorite local card shop, The Sports Room.  But i’ve done a terrible job at organizing them.  I know for a FACT that i purchased two Ryan Kerrigan autographs from COMC at about $8 each.  Not the worst thing in the world, but that money could have gone to another card i don’t already have.  I could also use this time to figure out what RGIII cards I have and which ones i can afford to purchase.  So, i’m hoping to get this going on the next few weeknights around the Riddle house here…work be damned!

Redskins Box 1PC Box 1











Look for more info on these short term goals…and don’t be afraid to keep me on my toes. -HTTR!