Panini Redemption, a story.

Just like you, I hate redemption cards.  Why?  Well, let me tell you a story…

On June 17th of 2012 i purchased a box of Panini Rookie Signatures from my local card shop, The Sports Room.  When i opened the box in front of Rick he quickly noticed my disappointment in the cards i pulled, and of course the freakin 80pt white card with a scratch off code.  I pulled a redemption card, which meant I didn’t get my full hit on the small box of cards i purchased.  Not to mention it was of Dre Kirkpatrick, the Bengals (then) rookie cornerback.  Nothing against Dre, i’m sure he’s a wonderful kid with a great family and loving parents but i’m not super excited about a Bengals CB.  Now, if it was Dr. Dre, that would be a different story, sign me up for that auto.  No big deal though, i’ll post it to ebay when i get the card back…if, i get the card back.

As time slowly dragged on I began to wonder if i would ever get my Dre card in the mail.

Dre Day never came.  But there will always be this.

A few months later, and by a few months later, i mean 10 of them, I stopped back in to Ricks’ shop.  He asked me if I ever received my redemption card and I told him, ‘nope!’  He then informed me that i should give them a call and ask for my card, or better yet, ask for a Redskin.  I thought he was crazy, you mean I can actually ask for my own redemption card!  WONDERFUL!!  Not wanting to talk to someone over the phone (if you knew me, this would make sense…) i sent them an email.  A wonderfully worded email of course that very politely asked for a replacement card of Washington Redskin…an RGIII would be great.  That was on April 8th of this year.  This is when i got the ‘players schedule crap and being busy…’ blah blah blah.  I get it.  These guys are professional athletes and can’t be bothered half the time.  The thing is, if you don’t have an autograph session with them locked up, don’t put them in your packs and boxes!

Anyways, more time flies by and so i decide to give them a call.  Scary.  I very politely ask for a Redskin card and they oblige.  I get an email that my Phillip Thomas Spectrum Autograph is on its way!


I start tracking the card, excited to write a post about the card and whattayaknow?  The card is sent to freakin Ohio.  Ohio!  Who the hell lives in Ohio…Westernville, Ohio?  Who lives there?  Seriously, who?  Not me.  This kid lives in Portland F****N Oregon.  There is a shirt that says that.  Ok, time for some more phone calls and emails over the Thanksgiving holiday.

Then today, after 512 days from the initial purchase.  I am the proud owner of a shiny, non serial numbered sticker autographed rainbow-y Phillip Thomas Rookie Card.  Nice.  I am happy.  All good things come to those who can wait…and wait…and wait…

13 PP Phillip Thomas Extra Points Auto Spectrum F

Most of you may not know this, but Phillip Thomas caught a lisfranc injury this preseason and was placed on injured reserve before the season started.  The whole lisfranc injury is interesting to me.  It sounds so harmless, like it was named after some sweet old lady that fell down the stairs to her root cellar and got a small fracture on foot.  “OH NO, I LISFRANCED MYSELF!

13 PP Phillip Thomas Extra Points Auto Spectrum B

This got me wondering’ as i tend to do, my mind floats off into multiple tangents.  So i wiki’d the Lisfranc injury and it sounds painful as hell.  But wait, it gets better.  Jacques Lisfranc de St. Martin was a pioneering gynecologist.  I guess if you get a foot injury named after you and your daily task is to study vaginas, that’s pretty pioneering…or possibly just weird?  He also removed rectums and amputated cervixes, so there’s that…jack of all trades i guess.

good night.