Rickey visits Target

First day back at work and the first day of toting a baseball card in my pocket all day long.  This is a fantastic way to start the year…in order to save some money around our house, the wife and i have been diligently packing our lunches on a daily basis.  Typically i hate left overs, but i hate not having money either…that really sucks, like really really sucks.  I also really hate staying in the office all day long so it’s a double whammy for me.  My solution has been to eat quickly, not stomach cramping quickly, but fast enough to make a nice little walk around downtown P-Town for 30-45 minutes to look at people and things.  It’s also a great time to hit up the Target for few random requirements like lithium batteries and cliff bars.  These are both vital to me staying active and healthy.  The battery for the bike speedometer and the cliff bars to keep me from donking off mid-day.  Today was special though.  It was a chance for wallet Rickey to see the world…unfortunately i was in a rush today so we didn’t spend too much time with the photo shoot, but needless to say, Rickey likes transformers…you can’t wipe that smile off his face.

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See, he has a huge smile…it’s so great to see Rickey being Rickey in the toy aisle.  Rickey will be making a trek to the record shop tomorrow afternoon and just might make an appearance at Whole Foods.  It’s a big day for Rickey, so he needs to get some rest…his corners are rounding out.  It’s time for a nap.

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