Look at the Harper kid

Here are a couple more pickups from the Mall 205 card show for one of the new kids on my PC block.  A few inexpensive Harper cards that set me back a grand total of $2.  Can’t beat that for this kids baseball card.

11 BC Bryce Harper BCE

look at the kids well manicured eye brows here.  Very precise, just like his nearly flawless swing.  Seems to be some very minor controversy about him ‘ballooning’ in weight over the off season as if he’s lost control of everything and just letting himself go…DC media…build you up and knock you down.

13 PP Bryce Harper

look at the clean shaven Harper.  There has been some crazy beard action going on in this country and it is very heavy in Portland…i’m putting full blame on the hipsters and all those folksy/campy 12 piece banjo bands that keep popping up on my spottily streams.  One thing I will not miss is the beard phase.  You know what’s worse?  A dude with a full grown beard, a vest and a handlebar mustache.  Absolutely no excuse for that, at all!

I will post a couple Strasburg cards I picked up from the dollar bin as well soon!  Good night kids.


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