Shiny Baseball Cards

My football card blog is lagging in baseball card posts…not really, I just have a few Harpers and a Hanley I wanted to show you kids.

These bad boys have been sitting in my man cave aka, my closet!  Just sitting there, precariously perched on a box of top loaders stacked on a box of books, next to a pair of jeans that no longer fits my ever growing winter ass.

Bryce Harper everyone!

11 TH Bryce Harper Minors

I managed to pick up 3 Harper cards that do not have him with a Curly W Nats hat.

13 HH Bryce Harper Defining Moments Black Border

This one is very patriotic and shiny and Prizm-y.

13 PP Bryce Harper USA Baseball

Here is the Hanley Ramirez card I noted in the very first sentence of this post.  I love Hanley and hope that he can stay healthy next year.

13 TT Hanley Ramirez WBC 2

I have paid more attention to the Dodgers in the 1 1/2 years since they picked him up…this also gave me a great opportunity to listen to Vin Scully.  Man, I miss baseball already…

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