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I can make a M’s hat more famous than a Mariner can

I took some artistic licensing with the well know Jay-Z verse on this post.

Robinson Cano is no longer a Yankee and I am kind of sad about that.

Next to Jeter, he was my favorite baseball player…a very close second mind you.  I loved his hitting and his quiet confidence on the field, some may say it was apathy or laziness.  I’m going with subtle greatness.  The kind of numbers he put up, you had to love him as a baseball player.  Even if you are a Yankee hater.  I have complete respect for Dustin Pedroia and you should have respect for Cano.

My admiration for him will continue to keep him in my personal collection for the duration of his career, albeit less of a priority now to Bryce Harper and Stephen Strasburg.  I can take some joy in the fact that he is now a Mariner and I don’t hate them.  I actually like the M’s and have the opportunity to watch him more frequently on TV and possibly in person…if I can convince the wife to take a trip or two up to Seattle.  Which is never too difficult!  The great thing about Panini cards is that they only need to change New York to Seattle.  DONE!  No additional photoshop skills needed!

As for the Mariners locking him up for 10 years at $240M, i can’t believe that’s a great contract for them in their market.  Now, i’m no market analyst, but i’m just thinking that when I pick through the great baseball franchises the Mariners rarely come up, if ever.  That’s not to say I don’t like them.  I am actually a fan of theirs and tried my hardest to make them my second team when i moved to Portland…but I just couldn’t do it.  Other than Ichiro, they didn’t have any player that I could latch on to.  Griffey, A-Rod and Randy Johnson were gone and they were a franchise sinking away.  They have King Felix, whom I love to watch pitch, but doesn’t really do it for me.

I really hope this signing helps catapult them into relevance as Seattle is a phenomenal baseball town with a gorgeous ballpark.  I just don’t know if his contract is going to allow them to get the various pieces they need to compete year in and year out against the thrifty A’s and powerful Angels and Rangers…and Astros.

Robbie is going to continue to put up great numbers and play well for the M’s, but i’m thinking in 3-5 years he will end up getting dealt for prospects to a larger market team.  Maybe the Yankees?

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